Donations Raised

£69,892.00 / £100,000.00

Thank you to each and every one of you that's donated to Médecins Sans Frontières!

Proudly supporting those in need

Over 40 Years of Nobel Prize Winning Work

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), also known as Doctors Without Borders, is an independent, neutral and impartial charity that helps those most in need, whether that's through providing basic medical assistance, through long-term medical programmes or in the instance of a major crisis including war and natural disasters. This impartiality ensures that those who desperately required medical assistance can receive it, wherever they may be in the world.

MSF was founded in 1971 by a group of French doctors and journalists in the wake of war and famine in Nigeria, as well as catastrophic floods in Bangladesh. The charity has since been involved in a wide range of charitable activities, providing medical assistance for pandemics, famine, war, earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, vaccination campaigns and much more. The charity has also been awarded the Nobel Prize for its "pioneering humanitarian work on several continents".

85% of all MSF's expenditure in 2014 was focused on providing aid overseas and helping fundraising efforts, with the vast majority of this being distributed to the sources that so desperately need it. Just 5% of funds are spent on administration, which is vital to ensuring that the large scale projects and emergencies that MSF reacts to are appropriately co-ordinated, ensuring that every penny is spent as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Outbacker & MSF - Working Together

At Outbacker, we are excited and privileged to be able to support MSF through our fundraising efforts. We originally aimed to raise £50,000 which we've already raised with the help of our customers. We've now doubled our goal and are aiming to raise a massive £100,000 for MSF and we need your help to make this happen. Please donate today, whilst purchasing an Outbacker policy, to help those who are desperately in the need of the assistance that Medecins Sans Frontieres can offer.

Medecins Sans Frontieres
Luca Sola

Our donation goal

Our aim is to reach a goal of £100,000 in donations to MSF.

Frencesco Zizola/Noor

Make a difference

An MSF doctor preforms a medical examination of a child at a feeding centre in Ethiopia in 2008.

Médecins Sans Frontières in 40 seconds

Policies tailored to your needs

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Flexible Cover

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Return Trip to the UK

Return once for up to 14 days without invalidating your cover.

Outbacker Travel Insurance policies do not cover ANY pre-existing medical conditions.

* We include cover for some types of work and charity as standard, for other types you'll need to pay an additional premium, please click here for more information. If you include cover for manual labour please note we exclude manual work involving the lifting or carrying of heavy items in excess of 25 kgs, use of power tools or machinery, work involving the use of scaffolding or ladders, working at a height above 6m, any electrical or construction work or any form of work underground.

** You can extend your policy up to a total of 18 months abroad, extensions are subject to rates and criteria, in particular we may be unable to offer you an extension if you've had a change in health or if you've made a claim. You can add Winter Sports and Additional Sports & Activities by day, week or for the duration of your trip, if adding post purchase an addition must be made at latest the day before your planned activity.

Why choose us

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