Please select the date range applicable to the purchase date of your policy.
Please remember to keep copies of all correspondence you send to us for your future reference.
In all claims, you must provide details of any household, travel or other insurance under which you could also claim.
The Medical Emergency Assistance Company will provide immediate help if you are ill, injured or die outside the United Kingdom. They provide a 24-hour emergency service 365 days a year.
Phone: +44 (0)330 123 9193
Please have the following information available when you (or someone on your behalf) contact the Medical Emergency Assistance Company so that your case can be dealt with swiftly and efficiently:
You must register a claim under all other sections apart from Gadget Cover and End Supplier Failure by contacting Inter Partner Assistance using the following details.
Alternatively you can call the number below
Phone: 0330 123 9203
International Passenger Protection claims only. Any occurrence which may give rise to a claim should be advised as soon as reasonably practicable to the following by quoting your policy number, travel insurance policy name and reference ESFI-V1.19:
Phone: 0345 266 1872
IPP Claims at Cunningham Lindsey
Oakleigh House
14-15 Park Place
Cardiff CE10 3DQ
For all claims (including theft, loss and malicious damage) please contact:
Phone: 0345 074 4828
Mail: Davies Group, Unit 8, Caxton Road, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 9NZ
Please remember to keep copies of all correspondence you send to us for your future reference.
In all claims, you must provide details of any household, travel or other insurance under which you could also claim.
The Medical Emergency Assistance Company will provide immediate help if you are ill, injured or die outside the United Kingdom. They provide a 24-hour emergency service 365 days a year.
Phone: +44 (0)330 123 9193
Please have the following information available when you (or someone on your behalf) contact the Medical Emergency Assistance Company so that your case can be dealt with swiftly and efficiently:
You must register a claim under all other sections apart from Gadget Cover, End Supplier Failure by contacting
Phone: 0330 123 9203
International Passenger Protection claims only. Any occurrence which may give rise to a claim should be advised as soon as reasonably practicable to the following by quoting your policy number, travel insurance policy name and reference ESFI-V1.19:
Phone: 0345 266 1872
IPP Claims at Cunningham Lindsey
Oakleigh House
14-15 Park Place
Cardiff CE10 3DQ
For all claims (including theft, loss and malicious damage) please contact:
Phone: 0345 074 4828
Mail: Davies Group, Unit 8, Caxton Road, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 9NZ
For all claims (including theft, loss and malicious damage) please contact:
Phone: 0330 041 2872
Mail: Taurus Insurance Services Limited, Suite 2209-2217 Eurotowers, Europort Road, Gibraltar
Contact the administrator on 0330 041 2872 (local rate call) within 2 working days of discovering the incident (or in the event of an incident occurring outside of the United Kingdom, within 2 working days of returning to the United Kingdom). You will be sent a claim form.
Complete the claim form FULLY and return it to the administrator in accordance with their instructions, and in any event within 30 days of notifying the claim together with any requested supporting documentation including:
The administrator will assess your claim, and as long as your claim is valid, will authorise the repair or replacement of the gadget as appropriate.
In case of a serious emergency please contact the 24-hour emergency assistance service provided by Emergency Assistance Facilities on
+ 44 (0) 203 829 6745
Call an ambulance using the local equivalent of a 999 number and then contact Emergency Assistance Facilities to offer you advice. We strongly suggest you put their telephone number + 44 (0) 203 829 6745 into your mobile phone before you travel so that it is to hand if you need it. Get details of the hospital you are being taken to so that our Emergency Assistance Facilities doctor will be able to obtain a medical report at the earliest possible opportunity. You may need to pay the policy excess locally and ask the hospital to send the rest of their bills to Travel Claims Facilities at: PO Box 420, Hadlow, Kent, TN9 9DE. Our appointed assistance service, Emergency Assistance Facilities will explain this to them and provide them with a faxed/email confirmation if necessary.
Please visit or call 0203 829 6761. Open 9am-5pm Monday-Friday
Please contact Pannone LLP 0161 228 3851 or fax 0161 909 4444 Open 9am-5pm Monday-Friday
You will need to have some basic information to hand:
Things to be aware of/remember:
If you need to see a doctor ask your hotel reception or tour representative for the nearest public/state medical facility, Some hotels will urge you to seek private treatment, however this is not necessary, private medical facilities vary greatly and are not equipped to deal with all emergencies, they may give you unnecessary treatment and at inflated prices- if you are ever in doubt please call the assistance team for advice on where to seek treatment. In Europe you should show them your EHIC card, medical treatment will be free or at a reduced cost and you will not be required to contribute towards the claim as the standard policy excess will be reduced to NIL (increased excesses applied to declared conditions will still be required to be paid, if related to the cause of you requiring medical treatment). You will only be covered for the cost of private treatment if this is approved in advance by Emergency Assistance Facilities. If your outpatient bill is less than £500 then you will need to pay this to the medical facility, and ensure you keep all receipts so you can claim upon your return. In the event that you need to seek outpatient treatment when you are travelling in any of the countries listed below then it may be that immediate payment can be arranged locally using the services of Charge Care International whom we have appointed to act on our behalf. To take advantage of this service please show the treating doctor or clinic the logo printed here as this will enable then to identify our membership and avoid language difficulties. If the hospital you are treated at subscribes to this service they will ask to see your proof of insurance so it is important to carry this with you. You will be asked to complete a simple Charge Care form to confirm the nature of the treatment received. The doctor or clinic will collect the policy excess from you and send their bill to charge care for payment. The countries where this service is available are: Spain and all the Spanish Islands, Greece and the Greek Islands, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Egypt and Turkey.
This policy covers you to come home early because you are ill or injured, only if medical treatment is not available locally. If you are thinking of cutting short your trip because you are not well then you must contact Emergency Assistance Facilities on +44 (0)845 260 3 260 +44 (0) 1732 85 33 33 for advice first. If you need to come home for any other reason, such as the illness of a close relative in the UK then you should make your own arrangements, bearing in mind your duty to act at all times as if uninsured. If you are not sure whether your circumstances are included in the cover then call Travel Claims Facilities.
The emergency assistance service provides immediate help in the event of an insured person's illness or injury whilst travelling abroad – they provide a 24 hour multi-lingual emergency service 365 days a year and can be contacted by telephone or fax. The emergency assistance service provided for you by this insurance is operated by Global Response and Healthwatch S.A.
In the event of any illness, injury, accident or hospitalisation which requires:
Global Response
Phone: +44 (0) 113 318 1686
Fax: +44 (0) 113 318 3252
Healthwatch S.A
Phone: +44 (0) 113 318 0124
Fax: +44 (0) 113 318 0125
Global Response
Phone: +44 (0) 113 318 1686
Fax: +44 (0) 113 318 3252
Global Response or Healthwatch S.A may be able to guarantee costs on your behalf. When contacting Global Response or Healthwatch S.A, please state that your insurance is provided by UK General Insurance Ltd and quote the appropriate scheme name:
Scheme Name : WWIISOutbacker
Reference Number : 05364A
Note: You must retain receipts for medical and additional costs incurred and you are responsible for any policy excess which should be paid by you at the time of treatment.
You must register a claim under all sections apart from section M2 (End supplier failure) by contacting the following company quoting WWIIS Outbacker 05364A:
Direct Group Travel Services Ltd
Phone: 0844 412 4296
For details of how to claim under section M2 please see your policy wording.
All claims must be notified as soon as it is reasonably practical after the event which causes you to submit a claim.
Late notification of a claim may affect our acceptance of a claim or result in the amount we pay being reduced.
The Direct Group Claims Department are open Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm. A claim form will be sent to you as soon as you tell them about your claim.
We will ask the claimant to complete a claim form and to provide at their own expense all reasonable and necessary evidence required by us to support a claim. If the information supplied is insufficient, we will identify the further information which is required. If we do not receive the information we need, we may reject the claim.
To help us prevent fraudulent claims, we store your personal details on computer and we may transfer them to a centralised system. We keep this information in line with the conditions of the Data Protection Act.
The Medical Emergency Assistance Company, Travel Guard, will provide immediate help if you are ill, injured or die outside the United Kingdom. They provide a 24-hour emergency service 365 days a year. The contact details are as follows:
Phone: +44 (0) 1273 400 610
Fax: +44 (0) 1273 376 935
Please have the following information available when you (or someone on your behalf) contact the Medical Emergency Assistance Company so that your case can be dealt with swiftly and efficiently:
Please note: This is not a private medical insurance. If you go into hospital abroad and you are likely to be kept as an inpatient for more than 24 hours or if your outpatient treatment is likely to cost more than £500, someone must contact the Medical Emergency Assistance Company for you as soon as reasonably possible. If they do not, we may not provide cover or we may reduce the amount we pay for your inpatient or outpatient treatment.
If you have to return to the United Kingdom under section C (Cutting your trip short) or section B1 (Medical and other expenses outside of the United Kingdom) the Medical Emergency Assistance Company must authorise this. If they do not, we may not provide cover or we may reduce the amount we pay for your return to the United Kingdom.
You must register a claim under all sections apart from section M2 (End supplier failure) by contacting the following company:
Travel Guard Claims Department
PO Box 60108, London SW20 8US
Phone: 0845 603 9892
Fax: 01273 376 935
For details of how to claim under section M1/M2 please see your policy wording.
All claims must be notified as soon as it is reasonably practical after the event which causes you to submit a claim.
Late notification of a claim may affect our acceptance of a claim or result in the amount we pay being reduced.
The Travel Guard Claims Department are open Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm. A claim form will be sent to you as soon as you tell them about your claim.
We will ask the claimant to complete a claim form and to provide at their own expense all reasonable and necessary evidence required by us to support a claim. If the information supplied is insufficient, we will identify the further information which is required. If we do not receive the information we need, we may reject the claim.
For further details about claims, please refer to General conditions on pages 13 to 14.
To help us prevent fraudulent claims, we store your personal details on computer and we may transfer them to a centralised system. We keep this information in line with the conditions of the Data Protection Act.
You should first check that the circumstances are covered by your policy. Having done this please contact the number shown below, giving your name, certificate number, and as much information as possible.
Please give us a telephone, fax or telex number where we can contact you or leave messages at any time of the day or night.
To comply with the terms and conditions of the insurance you MUST contact us as soon as possible. you MUST obtain our prior authorisation before incurring any expenses over £500, except in case of emergency. In case of emergency, if you are physically prevented from contacting us immediately, you or someone designated by you must contact us within 48 hours.
For assistance outside U.K. dial: +44 844 338 6047 or +44 1444 442975
If travelling alone, we recommend that you should carry your insurance documents with you at all times.
First, check your Certificate and the appropriate Section of your policy to make sure that what you are claiming for is covered.
Claims forms can be obtained from Alternatively telephone our Claims Helpline on 0844 338 6049 to obtain a claim form, giving your name and Certificate number, and brief details of your claim.
All claims must be notified within 28 days of your return on a policy claim form, accompanied by original invoices, receipts, reports, etc. Please refer to the relevant Section of your policy for specific conditions and details of the supporting evidence that we require. Please remember that it is always advisable to retain copies of all documents when submitting your claim form. We recommend you use registered post.
In order to handle claims quickly, we may use appointed claims handling agents.
When claims settlements are made by the BACS (Bank Automatic Clearing System) or other electronic banking system method, you will be responsible for supplying us with the correct bank account details and your full authority for us to remit monies directly to that account. Provided that payment is remitted to the bank account designated by you, Europ Assistance shall have no further liability or responsibility in respect of such payment, and it shall be your sole responsibility to make collection of any misdirected payment in the event of incorrect details having been provided to us.
Under the new European Union (EU) travel regulations, you are entitled to claim compensation from your Carrier if any of the following happen:
If you check in on time but you are denied boarding because there are not enough seats available or if your flight is cancelled, the Carrier must offer you financial compensation.
If your flight is delayed for more than five hours, the airline must offer to refund your ticket.
If your checked-in luggage is damaged or lost by an EU airline, you must claim compensation from the Carrier within seven days. If your checked-in luggage is delayed, you must claim compensation from the Carrier within 21 days of its return.
You can download full details from